KBK Crane
The KBK flexible lightweight modular crane includes various types such as KBK-D single track, KBK-LD single beam, KBK-LS double beam, KBK-LSS telescopic beam, and KBK-LM stacker, with a lifting capacity ranging from 0.125t to 2t.
The KBK flexible lightweight modular crane includes various types such as KBK-D single track, KBK-LD single beam, KBK-LS double beam, KBK-LSS telescopic beam, and KBK-LM stacker, with a lifting capacity ranging from 0.125t to 2t.
The KBK flexible lightweight modular crane includes various types such as KBK-D single track, KBK-LD single beam, KBK-LS double beam, KBK-LSS telescopic beam, and KBK-LM stacker, with a lifting capacity ranging from 0.125t to 2t.
The KBK flexible lightweight modular crane includes various types such as KBK-D single track, KBK-LD single beam, KBK-LS double beam, KBK-LSS telescopic beam, and KBK-LM stacker, with a lifting capacity ranging from 0.125t to 2t.
The KBK flexible lightweight modular crane includes various types such as KBK-D single track, KBK-LD single beam, KBK-LS double beam, KBK-LSS telescopic beam, and KBK-LM stacker, with a lifting capacity ranging from 0.125t to 2t.
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Service Hotline
Manufacturing address:intersection of Caibin West Street and Deren Road in Changchun China-Korea (Changchun) International Cooperation Demonstration Zone
Service Address:No.3 Fumin Street, Lvyuan District, Changchun City
WeChat service number: xingtaiqizhong
Zip Code:130012
Sales Advisory Phone:400-044-6608/13578886608WeChat Synchronization (Mr. Zhang)
After-sales service telephone:18343082566(Mr. Yu)/400-044-6608

Copyright:Changchun Xingtai Crane Machinery Co.,Ltd