The manual states that the speed range is 60~6Hz, which is a 10:1 ratio. Does this mean that there is no output power below 6Hz?
Power can still be output below 6Hz, but depending on conditions such as motor temperature rise and starting torque, the minimum operating frequency is set around 6Hz. At this point, the motor can output rated torque without causing serious heating issues. The actual output frequency (starting frequency) of the inverter varies by model, ranging from 0.5 to 3Hz.
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Manufacturing address:intersection of Caibin West Street and Deren Road in Changchun China-Korea (Changchun) International Cooperation Demonstration Zone
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WeChat service number: xingtaiqizhong
Zip Code:130012
Sales Advisory Phone:400-044-6608/13578886608WeChat Synchronization (Mr. Zhang)
After-sales service telephone:18343082566(Mr. Yu)/400-044-6608

Copyright:Changchun Xingtai Crane Machinery Co.,Ltd